The Eye of Satoshi (CLN)

Configure (activate the watch)

To enable your CLN watchtower client consult resources as The Eye of Satoshi service for CLN.


If you need a watchtower on clear net:
  • Tower id: 032a4ff7dd37ae01de848c3029c91253e0f30ee9038dcbcd08d6338bbbcb11339a
  • Address:
  • You need to buy the service here on
  • now you use lightning-cli command to connect as follow: lightning-cli registertower

    If you need a watchtower on the onion network:
  • Tower id: 032a4ff7dd37ae01de848c3029c91253e0f30ee9038dcbcd08d6338bbbcb11339a
  • Address: devrzfhfi2xay3ur5fpiualkqq6sedkaykvwsaf4in5rprohsoxfqoad.onion:9814
  • now you use the lncli command to connect as follow: lightning-cli registertower 032a4ff7dd37ae01de848c3029c91253e0f30ee9038dcbcd08d6338bbbcb11339a@devrzfhfi2xay3ur5fpiualkqq6sedkaykvwsaf4in5rprohsoxfqoad.onion:9814
  • I hope you consider donating using the qrcode LNURL in the page.


    You can find a more detailed guide on how to setup a teos tower here.


  • How can I check that the watchtower is working for my node?
  • You have active sessions with the tower when the command lightning-cli gettowerinfo 032a4ff7dd37ae01de848c3029c91253e0f30ee9038dcbcd08d6338bbbcb11339a show "status": "reachable". Refer to the teos watchtower-plugin to learn a set of command to check the tower state.

    tower support: